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For businesses to grow, it's critical to have an effective system to manage leads. And to do that right, you need to manage sales leads in an organized manner. If you think a spreadsheet or a simple contact database will be suffice, you’re thinking short-run. Many sales organizations are having a hard time converting their leads to customers because they cannot discern the hot from the cold.  Consequently, they end up missing out on opportunities.


Too many leads in a company are lost to marketing teams who simply don't know what to do with them, or the sales teams who don't gather all of the essential information from marketing when they receive a lead. A particular method like Lead management bridges the gap between marketing and sales. It’s a client achievement method which is used by certain companies to identifies possible buyers (termed as leads), educates them, engages with them, and when the leads are considered qualified, gets passed from marketing to sales.


This is why Direct Marketing Partners emphasizes the importance of a well-developed lead management process. We analyze your target market and deploy multi-touch, multi-channel activities in order to discover the optimal touch patterns for your unique offerings. As contacts become more familiar with your brand, they begin to qualify at significantly higher rates.

Other services offered by us:

We utilize highly experienced contact center staff and direct marketing resources, combining digital and off-line touches.